Since it is a short week, we will
not be having a formal spelling list this week.
Please be aware that the first week in March, we will be taking the ISAT test. Look for notes coming home to give you more information about this test.
We are more than half way through the year. This week you will see a 2 minute timing come home that will give you an idea how your child is doing on mastering the multiplication facts. Please look this over.
It is crunch time, your child needs to be secure on all single digit facts by the end of May. Based on Xtramath data and in class observations,
the students who are getting regular practice are much stronger. It is
critical your child does math practice at home. Thank you for your support!
Our bones and muscles inquiries our in full swing. We are reading many resources and taking notes about our learning. Each day we work on setting goals and working as a team to solve problems. Today in class we brainstormed some of the challenges of working in a group and came up with possibles solutions. Please ask your child about his/her learning in inquiry. Each day he/she should be able to tell new and interesting facts. Below you will find photos of inquiry in action:
Using resources to help us learn. |
Sharing our learning! |
Starting with a question. |
Taking good notes. |
Keeping track of interesting information. |
Listing our resources |
Helping each other learn. |
Reading for answers. |
Touching base with my teammates. |
Drawing sketches to help me remember. |