Monday, September 10, 2012

Week of September 10th

In writing, we have been working on taking a seed idea from our writing lists ( loves, dislikes, wonderings, memories) and developing it with details, thoughts and feelings.  I have modeled  how to take idea that you are curious about and breathe life into it by writing about it.  All week your child will be taking seed ideas he/she cares about and develop them into long jots ( longer writing entries)  Below you will find a great website to explore about writing possibilities:

In reading, we continue to work on doing real reading ( thinking+text = real reading) and building our  stamina.  The children will learn this week to use the I PICK acronym for selecting and finding just right books for reading workshop. You can review this at home with your child to make sure he/she picking books that are a good fit.


1.I pick a book
2.P urpose (What's my purpose for choosing this book? )
3.I nterest (Does this book interest me?)
4.C omprehend (Can I comprehend what I'm reading?)
5.K now (Do I know most of the words?) 

Today in class, we continued our study of the rain forest.  Ask your child what was the author's message in the book called Rain Forest. Over the next few weeks, we will be combining reading, writing and science with our study of habitats.  We will be reading and studying texts about the rain forest.  Using these texts, we will explore different  genres, author's point of view and our own thinking.   The children enjoyed the following website that includes virtual books for your child to read at home: